Frequently Asked Questions


Our home-based learning space is in San Jose, very near the intersection of    Camden and Bascom Avenue. 

Morning classes:      Children arrive at 9:00AM and are picked up at 12:45PM.

Enrichment classes: Children arrive between 12:45PM-1PM. Pick up is at 2:30PM.

Morning Classes (Mondays – Fridays)


9:00am – 9:30am    Arrival and Morning circle
9:30am – 10:30am  Learning Period
10:30am – 11:00am Break/Snack

11:00am – 12:00am Learning Period
12:00pm – 12:45pm Mindful meals / Free play

Enrichment classes (Tuesdays & Thursdays)


1:00am – 2:30pm    Enrichment Class

        2:30 pm          Closing circle / Pick up


Our “curriculum” takes inspiration from many sources, including homeschool and international curricula and 15 years of teaching experience. We thoughtfully plan our lessons in response to our learners’ interests and abilities, and we integrate subject areas or “learning domains” where possible, keeping the whole child in mind.

We have three different learning settings. 

  • Whole group lessons allow for more general topic introductions and integrating lessons in Creative Development for example, as well as community discussions and decision making. 
  • Small groups come together for lessons that are tailored to ability and stamina. We do not have traditional grades, but rather allow children to develop at their own pace without the pressure or restrictions of grade level expectations. 
  • Children also have opportunities to experience self-directed learning to pursue their own interests and enhance other skills.

Learning can be assessed in many different ways, including but not limited to: 

1. reflecting on an activity or a process 

2. asking questions and listening to or writing answers 

3. keeping work portfolios 

4. setting and evaluating goals

5. acknowledging a child’s own recognition of learning or progress.

In our learning community, we take the time to get to know all of our learners and rejoice in all our progress, learning, and wins!

Our facilitators also make notes and keep records of individual assessments, when carried out, to track progress and conduct planning, where appropriate.

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgement or interpretation – simply being in the here and now. We are all encouraged to be mindful through the day in both formal and informal ways, like practicing mindful listening, eating, and breathing or by taking a pause and asking a simple question that encourages us to take notice of what we are thinking and/or feeling during a specific activity.  

Practicing mindfulness can help us to regulate emotions, focus our attention, decrease stress and anxiety, as well as help us appreciate and enjoy the day.

Being eco-conscious means that we consider the impact our actions have on the environment and we look for ways to improve our practices. By spending more time outdoors and in nature, we hope to cultivate a respect and appreciation that prompts us to take positive action to reduce the harmful impact our behaviours and lifestyles may have on the environment. 

Some of these include:

1. we use less paper and recycle all that we can

2. we reuse and repurpose when possible

3. we consider our purchases: We borrow and buy used items when possible. 

4. we compost

5. we avoid single use plastic

6. we learn about ways to conserve energy

7. we use eco-friendly cleaning products and non-toxic materials when possible

8. we investigate the effects of pollution to the soil, air, water and environment and what we can do to reduce these. 

We are constantly looking for ways to become a more eco-friendly place of learning. 

You have more questions?

A 1-on-1 Call with our Teacher will get you started